Sports & Wellness

We use competition and recreation to fuel healthy bodies and healthy relationships

Christ-centered slow flow

Thursdays, June 20-July 18 | 9:30am | Gym | No Registration

Christ-Centered Slow Flow is designed to deepen one’s connection to Christ through the union of His Word, worship, and wellness. Every class integrates worship music and scripture interwoven throughout while promoting the development of physical, mental and spiritual resilience. To develop this resilience, each class incorporates slow, introspective movement, postures for strength, flexibility, and balance, as well as opportunities for stillness and prayer. This class is designed for all levels through the provision of modifications for students seeking a gentle practice while offering more challenging posture variations for advanced students seeking growth. In this class we practice with our hearts, souls, minds and strength!

Please bring a yoga mat and any props you wish to use.  A limited number of mats, blocks, straps and folding chairs will be available for use during class. 


M, W, & F | 11:30am-2:00pm | Gym

All skill levels welcome on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for pickleball games in the gym.
Monday and Wednesday games are recreational. We play competitive games on Friday.

Drop-In VolleyBall

1st & 3rd Saturdays of the Month | 6:30pm-8:30pm | CCC Gym

All skill levels welcome to drop-in for some indoor volleyball games! No sign up required.

Pick-Up Basketball

2nd & 4th Saturdays | 6:30pm-8:30pm | CCC Gym

All skill levels welcome to join us in the CCC gym for some fun pick-up basketball. No sign up required.

Golf Group

Love to golf? Join our GroupMe chat and connect with other CCC golfers to coordinate times to play and be added to the email list for larger events. Fill out the form below to get started! Beginners are welcome, but you must have your own clubs and know the basics of play.

Questions? Text group organizers Sean Hyatt (303-880-8488) or Marty Reiswig (720-891-9000). 

Interested in Serving in our Sports and Wellness Ministry? 

If you are interested in leading in a current Sports and Wellness group/event, or starting something new, please fill out the form below, and we’ll be in touch with you!

Contact the Sports & Wellness Team