We offer a full circle of opportunity to those with special needs—the opportunity to learn about Jesus, to learn about their spiritual gifts and calling, and to use those gifts by serving others.
We welcome individuals with specials needs and their families with the love of Jesus so that every person, regardless of their ability or challenges, would feel embraced by the Body of Christ and celebrated for the unique person God created them to be.
While we have volunteers in our ministry who work in the field of special needs, it is important to know that we are not therapists and we do not do therapy. Our goal is to partner with parents to determine how to appropriately support your loved one based on the resources that are available to us and that we can safely offer. We are simply here to provide a welcoming place for every individual to come and feel embraced as a vital part of the body of Christ.
Colorado Community Church (CCC) does not provide nursing support or care of any kind to its participants at any of its special needs programs and events. Regardless of the medical or disability needs of participants, this care should not be expected by parents, guardians, or caregivers.
In addition, participating in any activities at these programs and events are voluntary on the part of the attendees and CCC is not responsible for any injury or accident that occurs during these activities.
If parents, guardians, and caregivers leave their participant of any age in the care of CCC volunteers they implicitly understand and agree that by doing so they release CCC of any and all liability.
All Stars Club
2nd Saturdays | 9:30am-12:00pm| Youth Rec Room
All Stars Club is 2.5 hours of fun, faith, and friendship! It is a free respite event open to individuals ages 8+ impacted by special needs and includes adapted sports, karaoke, arts & crafts, snacks and a short devotional message at the end which families are welcome to attend.
This is a great opportunity for parents or caregivers to drop your kids off and enjoy some time to yourself, secure in the knowledge that your All Star is in great hands. Parents are welcome to leave or stay onsite.
All Stars is facilitated by an incredible group of Buddy volunteers who attend to your All-Star’s needs and ensure he or she enjoys all the activities. Leadership volunteers, including those on our Care & Safety Teams, are on hand to make sure the morning runs smoothly and that your All-Star is in a safe environment.
Once you register you will receive a monthly email to register for the next month’s event.
This is a great opportunity for parents or caregivers to drop your kids off and enjoy some time to yourself, secure in the knowledge that your All Star is in great hands. Parents are welcome to leave or stay onsite.
All Stars is facilitated by an incredible group of Buddy volunteers who attend to your All-Star’s needs and ensure he or she enjoys all the activities. Leadership volunteers, including those on our Care & Safety Teams, are on hand to make sure the morning runs smoothly and that your All-Star is in a safe environment.
Once you register you will receive a monthly email to register for the next month’s event.
Interested in Volunteering?
We can’t host All Stars Club without amazing volunteers! We provide all the training and support! Once you register as a volunteer, you can sign up for individual events as they work for your schedule.
Buddy Volunteers provide 1:1 support to our All Stars and are their friend and partner through out the event.
Our S.E.R.V. Team volunteers provide a variety of jobs (registration, medical, care, safety, karaoke, set-up, media, chaplain) to ensure our events run smoothly. Details for each volunteer position are listed on the the volunteer registration link.
We can’t host All Stars Club without amazing volunteers! We provide all the training and support! Once you register as a volunteer, you can sign up for individual events as they work for your schedule.
Buddy Volunteers provide 1:1 support to our All Stars and are their friend and partner through out the event.
Our S.E.R.V. Team volunteers provide a variety of jobs (registration, medical, care, safety, karaoke, set-up, media, chaplain) to ensure our events run smoothly. Details for each volunteer position are listed on the the volunteer registration link.

Sundays | 10:45am | West Classroom
Youth and Adults (ages 14+) with cognitive challenges are invited to attend this Adapted Bible class. Attendees will experience a Bible lesson and activities modified to their learning abilities and needs. Screened, trained and friendly volunteers help provide fun and loving community and support. In order for your participant to feel comfortable and secure, please complete the Youth/Adult Registration Form by 12pm the Thursday prior to attending.

Third Mondays | 7pm-8pm | Multi-Sensory Room
Parenting a child of any age with a disability can feel isolating and exhausting. Join other parents and caregivers each month to share the journey and experience community, support and encouragement. This group is designed for parents of individuals of any age with an identified cognitive disability, social and emotional issues, or has challenging behaviors that impact his/her daily experiences. Parents in the group share the role of facilitating and agree on monthly topics for discussion. Complete the short registration form to be added to the monthly email list.
Friday night friends
Various Fridays | 6:30pm-8:00pm
CHOSEN hosts monthly social events for youth and adults (ages 14+) once a month on a Friday evening from 6:30pm – 8:00pm. Our goal is to partner with parents to determine how to appropriately support your loved one based on the resources that are available to us and that we can safely offer
If you have never attended before, please complete the online form by 12:00pm the Thursday prior to attending so we can be prepared to help them feel comfortable and engaged. We will then add you to our monthly reminder email list so you can RSVP for each month’s activity.
Event details will be emailed approximately 1 week prior. Trained, screened volunteers are on hand to support and assist attendees in small groups. 1:1 support is not available based on the volunteer to attendee ratio.
If you have never attended before, please complete the online form by 12:00pm the Thursday prior to attending so we can be prepared to help them feel comfortable and engaged. We will then add you to our monthly reminder email list so you can RSVP for each month’s activity.
Event details will be emailed approximately 1 week prior. Trained, screened volunteers are on hand to support and assist attendees in small groups. 1:1 support is not available based on the volunteer to attendee ratio.
Upcoming 2025 Dates
- 3/21 - Spring Fling Party
- 4/25 - Bingo
- 5/16 - Food Bag Service Project
- 6/20 - Indoor Luau
- 7/25 - Outdoor Concert
- 8/15 - BBQ at the Park
- 9/19 - Super Hero Dance Party
- 10/24 - Football Fall Fest
- 11/14 - PJ Bingo
- 12/12- Fireside Cookies & Carols
Caregiver resources
Caregiving for a loved one of any age with special needs is unique. It can be challenging, inspiring, exhausting and rewarding, all at the same time.
In an effort to support you as you love and care for others, here are some resources to hopefully help you as you walk out the calling God has given you.
In an effort to support you as you love and care for others, here are some resources to hopefully help you as you walk out the calling God has given you.
Multi-sensory room
Sundays | 10:45am | Located in the Kids Ministry
There are additional openings in the Multi-Sensory Room starting on April 6th. Please complete the registration form by Wednesday, April 2nd.
The Multi-Sensory Classroom is designed for children ages 4 years old – 5th grade who have cognitive, behavioral and emotional needs, as well as those who have experienced trauma. Our goal is to partner with parents to determine how to appropriately support your loved one based on the resources that are available to us and that we can safely offer.
Screened, trained volunteer teachers and aides lead an adapted version of that week’s Kids Ministry lesson and provide individual support in this center-based environment. A quiet corner is available for those who need to take a break and hands-on, interactive activities are available for students to self-choose as needed.
Screened, trained volunteer teachers and aides lead an adapted version of that week’s Kids Ministry lesson and provide individual support in this center-based environment. A quiet corner is available for those who need to take a break and hands-on, interactive activities are available for students to self-choose as needed.

interested in serving?
Are you an adult in the CHOSEN Ministry looking for a way to serve at CCC or in our community? God calls us all to serve and we have ways for you to use the talents He gave you to meet other's needs with the love of Jesus. Check out this resource guide with serving descriptions to get started! If you have any questions contact Beth Lang, Specialized Ministries Director.

For students in 6th– 12th grade with cognitive challenges who would like to attend weekend youth group, the CHOSEN Ministry can work with ministry leaders to recruit a “Peer Buddy” to provide social support as needed. Youth group occurs during the Saturday 5pm & Sunday 10:45am services in the Youth Rec Room/Auditorium. This process typically takes several weeks to identify available and appropriate support depending on when the information is received. To start the process please complete the Student Intake Form.
Are you looking to develop a special needs ministry at your church but want to connect with another church to better understand what is involved and how to get started? Maybe you already have a ministry but you want to expand to support another age group or add a new program and are looking for resources.
CCC is here to help you! Part of our vision when we launched CHOSEN was to “grow fruit on other’s trees” by providing FREE consultation to any in the Body of Christ who are feeling called to love and reach everyone with the Gospel, regardless of ability. So feel free to reach out – we are happy to help!
CCC is here to help you! Part of our vision when we launched CHOSEN was to “grow fruit on other’s trees” by providing FREE consultation to any in the Body of Christ who are feeling called to love and reach everyone with the Gospel, regardless of ability. So feel free to reach out – we are happy to help!