Generous Giving AND Living!
Our 5+5 giving philosophy means simply this: based on the concept of a tithe (10%), we encourage our people to faithfully give 5% to the church, and 5% to missionaries, mission teams, and strategic partners.
We also ask you to give 5 hours of your time each month by volunteering or serving in some capacity.
It's through this kind of generous giving and living that we make an impact on our communities and our city for the glory of God!
We also ask you to give 5 hours of your time each month by volunteering or serving in some capacity.
It's through this kind of generous giving and living that we make an impact on our communities and our city for the glory of God!
Generous Giving AND Living!
Our 5+5 giving philosophy means simply this: based on the concept of a tithe (10%), we encourage our people to faithfully give 5% to the church, and 5% to missionaries, mission teams, and strategic partners.
We also ask you to give 5 hours of your time each month by volunteering or serving in some capacity.
It's through this kind of generous giving and living that we make an impact on our communities and our city for the glory of God!
It's through this kind of generous giving and living that we make an impact on our communities and our city for the glory of God!