Men's Ministry

JourneyMen is a group of men that gather to spend time in prayer, the Word, and fellowship. We exist to support men’s ministries within the church and to provide assistance to help ministries grow.

We model Proverbs 27:17
"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."


Men's Conference

Friday, March 28 | 5pm-9pm  &  Saturday, March 29 |  8am-12pm
Colorado Community Church Chapel

Join us for a time of great fellowship, worship, and food! The theme this year is "Raising the Standard" with featured speaker, Wayne Hagin, award-winning play-by-play broadcaster. He has 28 years of Major League Baseball expereince, including the Colorado Rockies, St. Louis Cardinals, and New York Mets. Registration is $50 to cover the program, speakers, and two meals.
Cost $50 | Register by March 24

Father-Son Field Day

Saturday, June 7 | 10:00am-2:00pm | Mission Viejo Park

Hey dads, we’re bringing back the Father-Son Field Day, so grab your sons and join us for an awesome day of games, grub, and field day competition! Grandpas, uncles, and mentors are also welcome to bring a boy/young man. The fun starts at 10am at Mission Viejo Park!
Cost $7.50/person or $15/pair

Quarterly Breakfast

Saturday, August 9 | 8:00am | Chapel

Invite a friend and come to our quarterly breakfast! Enjoy breakfast burritos from Jus Grill (pre-purchase only), a time of worship, and great fellowship. The speakers will be men from the JourneyMen Leadership Team sharing personal testimonies. You won't want to miss it!

Men's Poker Nights

First Fridays | 6:15pm | 4th/5th Grade Room

Join us for some friendly competition as we get together for our monthly poker night.
Entry fee is a snack or soda. No registration necessary.

Contact the Men's Ministry Team

Roman Sanchez

Lisa Nu'u