Spiritual Formation

current Classes

Practicing the way

In order to grow in our walk with Jesus, we need to practice following Jesus. That is what the Practicing the Way series is all about. It is a series of classes that allows us to learn about and ultimately practice spiritual disciplines.

Upcoming Class:

Practicing the Way Course: Introduction to Spiritual Formation

Spiritual Direction

For many people, spiritual direction has been a critical practice in their walk with Jesus. Simply put, spiritual direction is a practice that helps individuals discern the presence, activity, and voice of God in their lives for the purpose of growing in Christlikeness and in relationship with Jesus. If you are interested in learning more, visit our spiritual direction page.

spiritual formation in community

Learning to live, and grow in community is one of the greatest gifts that Jesus has called us to. The necessity for community is something abundantly evident throughout all of Christian history and the scriptures. Many of our Spiritual formation classes and experiences are designed with community building in mind, but we particularly believe in the power of small groups, especially those that meet over food. Sound appealing? Then consider joining a sermon discussion group! 

other resources

There are many resources out there to help us in our spiritual formation. One such resource is the Bible Project.

"The Bible Project is my uncontested favorite resource for Bible study that is out there. For five years in college and seminary, I studied the Bible in rigorous classes. Still, I learn something new every day when I use the Bible Project. I often use the Bible Project app to read scripture, listen to podcasts about specific books or topics in the Bible, and I have even taken a couple of their classes. To anyone who is serious about growing in their study of the bible, my very first resource recommendation is Bible Project. I unapologetically want everyone to know about it and use it." 
-Pastor Jesse

Contact the spiritual formation Team