Give In Person:

We believe giving is an act of worship and so it is a regular part of our weekend worship services. You can give with cash or check when the offering bag is passed around, or drop your gift into one of our secure blue boxes that are placed throughout the worship center.

Mail A Check:

You can always mail a check directly to the church:
14000 E. Jewell Ave.
Aurora, CO 80012

Other Ways to Give

Interested in learning about the tax benefits of giving from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA)? Learn more by clicking here or reach out to us.

For information on how to give stock, equities, real estate, vehicles, or other non-cash items, please contact our Director of Operations, Sean Monroe.

2024 was an incredible year!

We are celebrating all that God did through Colorado Community Church, especially thanks to YOUR generous, faithful giving. Check out the video for some of the big highlights!


Giving financially is one of the ways we worship God and provide for His kingdom work in this world. It is a source of joy and spiritual growth for us and as such, we encourage our CCC congregation to practice what we call 5+5 Giving. Based on the concept of a tithe (10%), we encourage our people to faithfully give 5% to the church, and 5% to missionaries, mission teams, and strategic partners.

Responsible use of resources

Information on how we steward the resources that you, God’s people, provide.

Have questions or Need Help?

Contact our accounting department using this form:

Sean Monroe

Jettie Dickson