Local Outreach

We build life-transforming relationships to take the Gospel from our own backyard to the nations.


"Dare to Care" out-serving Saturdays are quarterly events where we come together as a church to love our community through strategic service projects and outreach efforts. Participating in a Dare to Care event is an incredible way to meet new people, give back to the community around us, and "wash the feet" of our city! All Dare to Care events have at least one kid-friendly project or outreach.

Freedom in Christ  Jail Ministry

Dedicated to those behind bars, we pray for Christ to enter the hearts of those mentored and served by our ministry that He may guide their lives going forward. Freedom in Christ focuses on meeting the needs of current inmates and released individuals by:
 • Encouraging those incarcerated to grow in their relationship with the Lord
 • Bringing the hope of Christ through worship and Bible study
 • Helping reduce recidivism

Worship Ministry

We provide worship services at three detention centers in Colorado. The study topic is Jesus Came.

Denver County Jail
Women’s Services
Sundays • 9am-10am
Tuesdays • Noon-1pm
Men’s Services
Every 2nd Saturday • 1pm-2pm
Every 4th and 5th Sunday • 8am-9am

Denver City Jail
Every 2nd Sunday • 9am-10am

Jefferson County Jail
Every 4th Sunday • 7am-8am

Women's Ministry

The true heart of this ministry is to reflect God’s love, acceptance, and forgiveness to incarcerated and recently released women through sharing the Gospel of Christ.
There are three main ways we reach out to these women:
  • One-on-One Mentoring – volunteers engage in one-on-one mentoring sessions for a period of up to one year
  • Weekly Bible study at the Denver County Jail
  • Correspondence Team – volunteers consistently send inspirational and encouraging notes to the sisters inside, reminding them of Christ’s love for them

After Care Ministry

This ministry is in development. Designed to help those released from incarceration, we provide support to them in spiritual and practical ways. While our culture focuses on rehabilitation, we believe the Word of God has the ability to spur inner transformation, which leads to lasting change.

Youth Ministry

Many young men come from broken and dysfunctional homes with little to no positive, adult guidance. When separated from their families, many of these young men feel forgotten. Our team is blessed with the opportunity to contribute to the spiritual growth and development of these young men by teaching them about Christ and the love of God.
Worship Service Location and Time:
Ridge View Academy
Every 3rd Sunday • 9am-10am

Get Involved

Volunteers are needed to serve on the following teams:
Women’s Bible Study
Official Visits
Mentoring Team
Correspondence Team
Resource Directory
After Care Ministry

Training is provided on a regular basis for every ministry area.

Local 5+5 Strategic Partners

Strategic Partners are those organizations we have pursued to join us in a formal partnership to help us address a specific need in our community. As part of our 5+5 philosophy, consider supporting or volunteering with one of these local organizations!

Freedom in Christ  Jail Ministry

Dedicated to those behind bars, we pray for Christ to enter the hearts of those mentored and served by our ministry that He may guide their lives going forward. Freedom in Christ focuses on meeting the needs of current inmates and released individuals by:
 • Encouraging those incarcerated to grow in their relationship with the Lord
 • Bringing the hope of Christ through worship and Bible study
 • Helping reduce recidivism

Contact the Local Outreach Team

Cleide Cooper

Anisha Armstrong