Dare to Care out-serving Saturdays are quarterly events where we come together as a church to love our community through strategic service projects and outreach efforts.

Participating in a Dare to Care event is an incredible way to meet new people, give back to the community around us, and "wash the feet" of our city!

Next Dare to care

Saturday, July 27 | 8:30am - 12:00pm

Photos from the May 2023 Dare to Care

May's Dare to Care was incredible, with one of our highest turnouts in a long while: over 160 people serving across 7 different projects! Thank you to each of you who came out to love and serve our city so well!

Photos from the February 2023 Dare to Care

February's Dare to Care was amazing! Thanks to all of you who came out to serve our community - we hope to see you at the next one!

Recap Video: October 2021

Recap Video: August 2021

Contact the Local Outreach Team

Photo of Pastor Cleide Cooper