A Tale of Three Kingdoms - Pt. 6

Sep 4, 2022    Pastor Robert Gelinas

Discussion Questions:

INTRODUCE: What is the most common excuse you hear yourself giving or that you hear from others.

READ: I Kings 12:1-17 & 14:21-26, 12:26-33 & 14:1-13, 13:1-25

PRAYER: Begin the time by praying together


1. Rehoboam sought counsel when he began his reign as king Think back to a hard decision you were facing. Whom did you consult? If you consulted God, how did you recognize His response to you?

2. Jeroboam wanted prayer for God to heal his arm, but not to be “inconvenienced” by worshipping God. What in your life seems to make worshipping God inconvenient? What seems to be separating you from God?

3. How have you been impacted when a church leader, author, or well-known Christian teacher is discovered to live a private life that is the opposite of what they teach from the Bible?

4. Discuss what you think about the concept of being faithful to God with your worship, body, mouth, Biblical knowledge, money or time. What scripture can you reference for the area of faithfulness you chose to discuss?

5. How do you handle the responsibility that you alone have in regard to your faithfulness to God?

6. How will you deal with the excuses you make in regard to being faithful and close to God?

Lord, thank you for Your love for me despite the excuses I make for not being faithful to You in my relationship with you. Please help me to become more aware of the excuses that I make that keep me from being closer to You. Please give me a willing spirit to make the changes that I need to make in my attitude and life so that I am truly living my life for my Savior and my God.

Share one need for which you would like prayer today. Take time to pray for one person at a time and invite the Holy Spirit to guide your time. Listen to the Lord for guidance in how to pray for one another and then pray.