Our mission is to form a partnership with Palacaguina Christian Academy in Nicaragua that allows us to support two students through our weekly offerings in 3CYouth WKND and to participate in an annual mission trip to Nicaragua to conduct a VBS style event and donate labor and materials to PCA’s ever-growing campus.
Mission Nicaragua is the annual mission trip open to 3CYouth High School students and college aged young adults. We have partnered with the Palacaguina Christian Academy in Nicaragua by raising support to fund two children at the school – one boy and one girl – through weekly offerings given by 3CYouth students. Additionally, we do an annual mission trip each summer to complete work projects, participate in community outreach events, and immerse ourselves in the culture of our mission partners.
Next Trip: June 2025
Next Trip: June 2025

Mission: Nicaragua benefit concert
Sunday, April 6 | 5:00pm | Chapel
CCC will be hosting a benefit concert featuring Pastor Stephen Ray to help raise funds for Mission Nicargua. Everyone is welcome!
Pray | Provide | Participate
Pray for Nicaragua
- Pray for the Mission Nicaragua team as we prepare for our next trip in June 2025.
- Pray for the children, staff, and adults who will benefit from our work projects at PCA.
- Pray for the overall health and safety of the team as we travel in the country.


Provide for the Mission
- You may support this mission trip by donating to our mission fund, which funds monthly support for two students at PCA and pays for travel, lodging, and materials for each member of the mission team.
Participate in a Trip to Nicaragua
- You may participate by staying up to date with mission trip news, planning, and the actual event @3CYouth on Instagram.

Ready to go? Need a passport? Apply for one today!
