Surrounding vulnerable children in Uganda with opportunities to reach their potential through education, mentoring, and healthcare - which in turn impacts and brings hope to their communities.

We partner with How101 in Uganda to build extended community through camps, reunions, family training, school/home visits, and acts of service.

The vision of HOW101 (Helping Our World One-on-One) began in 1998 after a group of 12 women traveled to Uganda on a mission trip. Not knowing what to expect, the team experienced firsthand the immense poverty and problems mixed with the intense joy and resilience of the people.

Building a Foundation
By 2002 a personal educational sponsorship program had begun in Uganda for young mothers and their children.

Today and the Future
Currently over 200 children and young adults In Uganda are being equipped and educated. 135 sponsor families are personally involved and experiencing authentic life with these kids.

Pray  |  Provide  |  Participate

Pray for Mission: Uganda

  • Join our prayer team as we look to surround our kids, staff, volunteers, projects, and trips with God's protection and favor through prayer.
  • For the safety and well-being of all the children and young adults in the Starfish Program.
  • For our partners and leaders in Uganda who manage and care for the youth in the program.
  • For God to bring the right people to join in the mission work we are doing through prayer, sponsorship, or our Cornerstone Community.
  • For safety and wisdom for this year's mission team traveling to host the Starfish Camp.
  • For God to raise up the next generation of volunteers within the HOW101 organization. "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field." Luke 10:2.

Provide for the Mission

  • If you feel strongly that you and your family would like to sponsor a child let us know and we can talk to you more about partnering with us. 
  • Consider joining our Cornerstone Community to support the day-to-day operations of this daily bread mission. Each year all the kids get to experience a 4–5-day Camp for discipleship, life skills, and enrichment. One-time gifts are needed ($100 sends one child to camp).
  • Donate towards operational costs.
  • Donate funds towards the annual Starfish Camp.
  • Donate towards special projects such as: healthcare, transportation and advanced education.

Participate in a Trip to uganda

  • We are looking for men and women who feel called to join a mission trip to support the work that God is already doing.
  • Next Trip: May 15-25, 2025
Ready to go? Need a passport? Apply for one today!