Sermon Discussion - Search Me Pt. 3

Mar 13, 2022    Pastor Robert Gelinas

Search Me: Pt 3
Sermon Discussion Questions
March 12 & 13, 2022

INTRODUCE: Share about a time when you were trying to make a “fast get-away.”

READ: Psalm 139:1-12, I Samuel 21:10, Romans 8:37-39

WATCH: Video

PRAYER: Begin the time by praying together


1. Where have you gone to attempt to get away from God?

2. Discuss the difference between knowing who God is and experiencing who God is.

3. Share about a time in your life when you definitely sensed God’s presence. Was it a hilltop experience or time when you were walking through a valley?

4. Who has “thrown a spear” at you? Did you feel it was justified? How did you react to it?

5. Since God is omnipresent, what prevents us from seeing Him?

6. Read Romans 8:37-39. Other than a physical location, what can make us feel separated from the love of God?

7. Share about a time when you experienced Spiritual Reticular Activation in the heights (happy/hopeful times), depths (difficult times), distance (from feeling a closeness with God), or darkness (times of depression or failure).

Lord, thank you for your presence “even there.” Please help me to sense it and find rest because of it. I am so grateful that as I ask You to search me, You have already found me.

Share one need for which you would like prayer today.
Take time to pray for one person at a time
Invite the Holy Spirit to guide your time
Listen to the Lord for guidance in how to pray for one another….and then pray

Spend time this week in Psalm 56, 57, and 142 considering how you are fully known and loved by God.