Transformed Life - Pt. 4

May 29, 2022    Pastor Robert Gelinas

The Transformed Life: Pt 4
Sermon Discussion Questions
May 28-29, 2022

INTRODUCE: What is the word that best describes the emotion you feel when you know you are going to be alone for a period of time.

READ: Ecclesiastes 4:7-12, Genesis 1:26, 2:18, John 13:34-35

WATCH: Video of sermon

PRAYER: Begin the time by praying together


1. Describe a time in your life when you experienced loneliness. Were there other people around you at that time?
2. In what ways do you think that community in necessary for your emotional, physical and spiritual health? Why do you think that is the case?
3. Of the four layers of love/relationship described by Edward Hall (public, social, personal, intimate) which layer do you think you need to expand upon? Why do you think this is the case?
4. In regard to the “porcupine dilemma” what kind of “quills” have you most experienced in relationships? How have you responded when others have caused you pain?
5. What is in your “arsenal of quills?”
6. Discuss the question asked by Pastor Robert, ”How do you get close without getting hurt?” What can you do to heal the pain from hurt that comes in relationships?
7. Through Jesus’ example, we can see how to love through the pain, over the pain, and despite the pain that comes in relationships. (John 13:34-35) Explain how that looks with very practical examples.

Lord, please heal my hurts! Help me to see any ways in which I am hurting people in any of the layers of relationship. I want to grow in loving others as You have loved me and strengthen every layer of relationship in which You have placed me.

Share one need for which you would like prayer today.
Take time to pray for one person at a time
Invite the Holy Spirit to guide your time
Listen to the Lord for guidance in how to pray for one another….and then pray