Sermon Discussion - Search Me Pt. 5

Apr 3, 2022    Pastor Robert Gelinas

Search Me: Pt.5
Sermon Discussion Questions
April 2-3, 2022

INTRODUCE: What is your favorite piece of art that is considered to be a masterpiece?

READ: Psalm 139:13-14

WATCH: Sermon Highlight video

PRAYER: Begin the time by praying together


1. Pastor Robert noted that God doesn’t just want us to know him, but that God wants to know us. How does it make you feel that God wants to know you?
2. You are created by God…so you are a masterpiece. He signed his name on you, on the canvas of your life. Do you live in light of this reality? How does this truth change things for your day to day?
3. What section of the Bible do you find yourself tempted to skip? Why?
4. Can you relate to David’s harsh words? Have you asked God to take the bad guys out?
5. Is it a new thought to you that David would be surprised by Jesus…surprised by what Jesus taught and how he acted?
6. Have you praised God at church…and then snapped at your family on the way home?
7. Have you given something up for Lent? If not, should you do so for the remainder of this season? Either way, what has Lent looked like for you?
8. Why do we want to mask parts of our life from God? Why do we often opt to “use filters” in how we attempt to portray ourselves to God?

Lord, thank you for making me…for knitting me together, making me a masterpiece. May I have the courage to present myself fully and honestly to you, knowing that you love me as you loved David…that the good news of Easter covers the darkness brought to light by Lent.

Share one thing you need prayer for today...
Take time to pray for one person at a time
Invite the Holy Spirit to guide your time
Listen to the Lord for guidance in how to pray for one another
...and then pray….