Transformed Life - Pt. 1

May 1, 2022    Pastor Robert Gelinas

The Transformed Life: Pt 1
Sermon Discussion Questions
April 30-May 1, 2022

INTRODUCE: What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word “transformed?”

READ: II Corinthians 5:17, John 10:7-10, 13:34-35

WATCH: video

PRAYER: Begin the time by praying together


1. What would your life look like if it was truly “abundant” or “full?” Is it abundant now?
2. What thoughts come to mind in thinking about “your life being so full that it can’t be contained and spills over into eternity?”
3. Share your thoughts on what it means to be connected to Christ and how do you accomplish that personally? Consider what is in the church lobby…worship driven, spirit led, prayer dependent, grace centered, and kingdom obsessed.
4. Name a person in your life that you would call Yasu-yan (Jesus-man or Jesus-woman)? What about that person makes you give them that name?
5. How would you define your calling? In what way are you living it out? What changes could you make this week so that you would be living it out in a better way?
6. What reaction do you have to Os Guiness’ quote, “Too much to live with but not enough to live for?” In what way do you see it applying to your life?

Lord, help me to see the full life You are offering me and embrace it. Please show me how the community in which You have placed me and the calling for which You created me are part of my transformation process. Please show me how You are moving me from being LIE (lost, isolated and empty) to LIFE and how You are changing me. Thank you for my relationship with Your Son, my Savior, Lord and friend. AMEN

Share one need for which you would like prayer today.
Take time to pray for one person at a time
Invite the Holy Spirit to guide your time
Listen to the Lord for guidance in how to pray for one another….and then pray