Sermon Discussion - Your Moment

Pastor Robert Gelinas

Your Moment
Sermon Discussion Questions
April 16 & 17, 2022

Read: Mark 15.33-39

Watch: Sermon highlight video

PRAYER: Begin the time by praying together

1. When have you, like the centurion, had a moment of clarity with God?
2. What brought you to your moment of clarity with God? What events and details of your life pointed you to God? What did he orchestrate in your life so that you could know him?
3. Have you ever questioned when, where, or to whom you were born? Why do you think it is hard to believe that God was in control of such details?
4. Did you grow up in church? If so, what made you realize that Jesus was for you?
5. What might be getting in the way of this being your moment? Or, what gets in the way of your relationship with God?
6. If you have had a moment of clarity with God, how does your life change?

Lord, thank you for bringing me here…for orchestrating my life to know you. May I see you with clarity and may I have the courage to live in the light of this vision.

Share one thing you need prayer for today...
Take time to pray for one person at a time
Invite the Holy Spirit to guide your time
Listen to the Lord for guidance in how to pray for one another
...and then pray….