Sermon Discussion - Be Boring

Mar 20, 2022    Pastor Joey Metzler

Be Boring
Sermon Discussion Questions
March 19 & 20, 2022

INTRODUCE: What is your response to a very quiet environment?

READ: Mark 6:1-6

WATCH: Video

PRAYER: Begin the time by praying together


1. Pastor Joey noted his long history at Colorado Community Church and the difference the church’s childrens ministry made in his life. How do you tend to think about children’s ministry and simple, long-term relationships at CCC?
2. Can you recall a recent experience that energized you and made you feel alive? Can you relate to Pastor Joey’s draw to big adventures and travel? Can you also think of simple moments that provided deep joy?
3. What happens when we become too familiar with Jesus? How does it feel when Jesus performs actions and/or teachings in the Bible that we don’t expect from him?
4. How have you seen beauty in the ordinary? What are moments or situations in which you’re particularly likely to notice such things?
5. Pastor Joey challenged us to “be boring.” What emotions does that challenge evoke for you?
6. Can you accept a call to live in quiet, faithful obedience without knowing the impact of your life? What is needed in order to trust that God is working even in your “boring”? Is it possible that you’ve undervalued your role in the story you are already a part of?
7. What would it look like today if you decided to “be boring”? Is there a habit you would seek to change or a practice you’d begin?

Father, thank you for the ministry of Colorado Community Church to children and the relationships I enjoy because of the church. Please help me to see beauty in the moments and situations in my everyday life and to experience joy from them. I want to live in quiet obedience to You and see the ways that you quietly use me each and every day for your purposes. Thank you for bringing purpose to my life.

Share one need for which you would like prayer today.
Take time to pray for one person at a time
Invite the Holy Spirit to guide your time
Listen to the Lord for guidance in how to pray for one another….and then pray