Dear Church - Church Hurt

May 8, 2022    Pastor Joey Metzler

Church Hurt
Sermon Discussion Questions
May 7-8, 2022

INTRODUCE: Whose name did you cry out the last time you had a “bigger” physical injury?

READ: John 18:1-11, Luke 22:51

WATCH: a video is not available this week

PRAYER: Begin the time by praying together


1. There are times that we highly suspect or even know that a difficult situation is more than likely ahead of us. Think of a time that this was the case for you…recently, if possible. How did you handle the situation? Were you happy about your response in hindsight or how could you have handled it more like Jesus responded to His arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane?
2. As Peter wielded the sword, thinking he was defending Jesus, how have you “wielded a sword” of words or actions in an attempt to defend Jesus?
3. Fortunately, real swords are not wielded in a church family. Other than words, knowledge or projection of insecurities being used like a sword, what “swords” have you seen yourself or others using in the church?
4. How have you responded to hurt that has come to you through others in the church? In what ways can healing occur in the relationship? How can you impede the healing process or promote it?
5. If you have been convicted about hurting another believer, how have you responded to that conviction? In what ways did your response promote healing?
6. Instead of “wielding a sword” when we see an issue inside the church body, we should respond in such a way that those on the outside will know we are Christians by our love. Generalize some scenarios you have seen or heard about in which a loving response was not the instinctive reaction displayed. In very practical terms, what would responding with love have looked like?

PRAY: Thank you, my Father, for the church family in which You have placed me. I pray for the pastors in it, for their health and well-being. Please help me to be a healing agent where there is hurt. I want to clearly recognize if I have done anything that brings hurt to anyone. Would You give me eyes to see and a soft heart to be at peace with all as much as it depends on me?

Share one need for which you would like prayer today.
Take time to pray for one person at a time
Invite the Holy Spirit to guide your time
Listen to the Lord for guidance in how to pray for one another….and then pray